Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Crazy Little Thing Called Love

I watched this movie about a year ago. The 11th grade of high school, when I found some best friends, even a love. I heard about this movie from friends at school who were always talking about it. They said the boys at school even like it!

I did really remember, I cried in my room when I saw it on my laptop. This movie is that simple, but it's felt real. Well, you might think, "Yeah, because you are a teenager." So what?!
Then when I and friends were camping one day, we watched it together. I didn't cry anymore because it's my second time watching it. But I knew there were some girls crying, and a boy was starting to cry. Hahahaha

All of us have someone who is hidden in the bottom of the heart. When we think of him, we feel like always feel a little pain inside. But we still want to keep him. Even though I don't know where is he today.. what is he doing.. But he is the one who makes me know this.. A little thing called love. 

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